Daher: Strong Demand For Kodiak 100 And 900 Turboprops - AVweb

With four choices of turboprop singles in the lineup, Daher's static display at the NBAA-BACE 2022 gathering in Orlando this past October was a busy place. The main attraction was the clean-sheet FAA-certified Kodiak 900, an airplane with long delivery backorders and sizable demand from a diverse group of customers—from private owners to air ambulance, law enforcement and cargo and freight haulers. Based on the 900's demand alone, I would say Daher's purchase of Quest Kodiak in October 2019 was a smart move—and a healthy shot in the arm for the already strong Kodiak product.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/air-shows-events/nbaa/daher-strong-demand-for-kodiak-100-and-900-turboprops


If the 900 advertised cruise speed includes the cargo pod then good for Daher. Cargo pods are still a big pain to load and unload just like a Caravan. Having several hours flying the 100 with jumpers at 2 different drop zones there is one thing I don’t understand. Maybe someone could explain why a high strut braced wing, fixed gear mounted on the fuselage would have a zero fuel weight limit?

I believe that the cargo pod is part of the package, not an option, as it is in the 100.
The zero-fuel weight limit question can be answered by Daher, but it may be to prevent high payload / low fuel flights, which result in high landing weights.