Cirrus Updates Jet Progress

The Vision jet is the highest priority at Cirrus Aircraft, CEO Brent Wouters said in a webcast on Wednesday, but as of now, there is no timeline for its completion. "When will it be done? We don't know," Wouters said. "It's a function of cash flow ... We will get the program done as soon as humanly possible." The company will accelerate its efforts this year to raise external capital for the project, he said, but in the interim, progress will continue, funded by internal cash flow. For now, that means a focus on nailing down the design elements, with higher-cost parts of the project pushed forward in the timeline. The price, effective this month, is $1.72 million, Wouters said. So far the company has 428 position holders, and orders continue to come in at a pace of one or two per week. Buyers who fly a SR22 while waiting for the jet can benefit from learning the avionics package, sales director Gary Black said, and then Cirrus will take the SR22 as a trade-in when their jet is ready.

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