Cirrus Earns Known Ice Approval In Europe

The European Union has granted EASA approval for Cirrus Aircraft's known ice protection system, allowing flight into known icing (FIKI) conditions. Cirrus says their system "is likely the most extensively tested known ice protection package ever developed for general aviation." The company cautions, however, that the system does not create an "all weather" airplane. The system uses TKS weeping wing technology, applying it through laser-drilled panels on the elevator control horns, the leading edges of the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces, and the wings. TKS fluid is also distributed onto the windshield and propeller at flow rates that can provide for up to 2.5 hours of protection. Operation is integrated with the aircraft's Garmin avionics systems as part of Cirrus' Perspective package. FAA approval was granted earlier this year for both turbo and normally aspirated Cirrus aircraft equipped with the company's optional known ice protection system. Cirrus has been shipping those aircraft to customers all year, and offering additional support.

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