Champ the Only New Certified LSA at U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2008 in Sebring, Florida

The light-sport aircraft category captured a couple of dozen standard category aircraft by virtue of the performance and weight specs they'd been built with decades ago. And while they're an appealing option for some pilots, they long ago lost that new airplane smell. At the moment, the only aircraft in this class that's still under production is the Champ, and American Champion Aircraft Corp. is making the most of its unique niche. Within hours of parking a very well-equipped Champ in the display area of Sebring Airport for the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo on opening day, Orlando/Sanford Aircraft Sales, based at the airport of the same name, had sold it and was taking bites on a second Champ due to arrive the next day. "This is a real airplane," said company spokesman Larry Tague.

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