Cessna Flies First Production Citation Mustang Ahead Of Schedule - AVweb

Cessna earlier this month announced its first production Citation Mustang (s/n 0001) took off for its first flight Monday, Aug. 29. The flight occurred a month ahead of a schedule Cessna established some time ago; the Mustang prototype made its maiden flight on April 23. The first production Mustang flew exactly two hours, performing basic systems and avionics checks, including engaging the autopilot, testing the airplanes handling characteristics, performing operative gear and flap tests, activating the de-ice system and evaluating engine response and performance. We have a strong team working on the Mustang program, and theyve achieved a major milestone by getting production unit one off the ground a month early, said Russ Meyer III, Mustang program manager. Three Mustangs are dedicated to certification: the Mustang prototype and serial numbers 0001 and 0002. To date, the prototype has logged more than 230 flight hours and completed envelope expansion and the initial development of aircraft systems and aerodynamic flight characteristics. Mustang serial number 0001 will be primarily used for avionics development and certification. We expect to achieve FAA certification in the fourth quarter of 2006, Meyer said. Having the first Mustang production unit enter the program early will certainly enhance our progress toward achieving that goal. The Citation Mustang was announced at the 2002 National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) convention. Mustang sales exceed 230 orders.

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