Blue Origin Rocket Reaches Orbit On First Attempt

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin successfully launched its New Glenn rocket on its maiden flight Thursday morning from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

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What exactly is the National Security Space Launch program?

Didn’t Blue Origen started about the same time as SpaceX? I did a tour there with a great guy (hydraulics engineer) with our Teenflight group about seven years ago. Impressive, but, one has to wonder - how could SpaceX be launching 100 rockets to orbit a year, when Bezo’s company is just now making their first launch?

This Bezos interview from 2016 starts off with Bezos explaining their motto (“Step by step Ferociously”) as well as their tortoise mascot. He believed that “Slow was smooth
and smooth was fast.”

It appears that he misjudged the market and the importance of being a frequent flier. But his approach with respect to getting there was just validated big time - kudos to all.

WBJohn, an example of a National Security Space Launch program would be a spy satellite. They go up all the time.

The richest guys on earth entertaining their wives and children (+ the masses) with the most expensive fireworks since humans got invented. May these times one day make it into the history books right between the Boomers and Gen X.

What shall we call it?

Way to embarrass yourself on the internet. Do you realize how much of your life depends on space launch capability nowadays?

They lost the booster at high Mach at about 85000 feet. Have a look at the liftoff. Very low thrust weight hence low acceleration and this with a very small payload. Very large g losses. The BE-4 engines must have been significantly throttled. Will they work as well at higher power settings? Nice demonstration launch to placate some perhaps nervous customers frustrated by the delays but not indicative of an operational rocket. At present it is a larger version of an old non recoverable Falcon 9.

Amelia, the editorial is clear, interesting, and full of good information. :+1:

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