Best Of The Web: Hurricane Post Restoration First Flight - AVweb

The Hawker Hurricane is one of several iconic fighters of World War II and a relative rarity on the airshow circuit. In this week’s video, well-known Canadian warbird expert Dave Hadfield takes us through the initial test flight of a recently restored Mark 12 Hurricane. The aircraft was built in Canada in 1942 and saw duty in the training command. It's part of the Mike Potter collection.

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correction to P-40N link:

There is now a 2 seat Hurricane flying in the UK - it may have been useful for the test pilot to come and fly it prior to this test flight?

The Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, VA has had a flying Hurricane aircraft for over 20 years. It was restored by the experts in New Zealand who also restored the GRAND CHAMPION MOSQUITO …The only one flying regularly in the world.
Kent Ewing…MAM Board member.