AVweb's Picture of the Week ... - AVweb

Last week's Sun 'n Fun Fly-In preempted our usual reader-submitted "Picture of the Week."  Lots of AVweb readers must have been at the Fly-In, because our submissions actually dropped down to a manageable level for the first time in 2004.  We realize you guys need a break every once in a while — but how are we supposed to change the wallpaper on our computer monitors without hundreds of "POTW" entries to choose from?  Come on, people — Juston Taul's winning submission may look great on our monitors today, but tomorrow we'll need another gorgeous image to ogle!  (Your hat will be on the way shortly, Juston!)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/potw/avwebs-picture-of-the-week-100