Not at all a fan of the new site. From the new look and layout to separating the comments into a separate forum. They went completely the wrong direction. I, for one, will be spending a lot less time clicking on the links in the daily email.
I am not yet a fan of the new format. Maybe I will come around and decide it is no big deal, but it is yet another thing after the drama about keeping the comments section. Add to that my credentials suddenly were no good and I had to reset my password to get back in. I almost decided to not bother and just walk away quietly. We’ll see how it goes.
It is janky for sure - the old system was janky too.
Here’s what makes it janky:
the synopsis at the top is just redundant- especially if the articles are short
put the merch way down below - or give users option to not display - if it’s a news site then I’m not shopping so don’t suggest merch at this point in the experience - make it more subtle or below
Hope this helps
I agree. This is a cumbersome blog site now and is discouraging to use. One begins to wonder whether this site was “engineered” by the same folks who were responsible for MCAS.
It would be nice to have someone that can apply some art and design to the website rather than just someone who’s familiar with Code.
Not a fan of the new look and feel. We do have to accept that AVWeb is volunteer run, hence no substantial budget for the Website. There are plenty of multi-million $$$ sites that are decidedly much worse. Perhaps a skilled reader can volunteer to spend some time making improvements? Website design is a very skilled art.
I was never under the impression that it was a volunteer run - is that true?