AVweb OSHtalk: Evening Hangar Flying at EAA AirVenture '99

TuesdayOSHtalk (July 27, 1999) — The night before EAA's AirVenture '99begins, OSHtalk  Hangar Flying for the Internet premiers as AVweb takes youunder the wing of a classic Beech 18 beside the runway at Oshkosh as the sun goes down andthe pilots gather to do what they do best — talk about airplanes and flying. Join us asRandy Sohn, senior check airman for the Confederate Air Force talks about the increasinglyacute problem of finding qualified pilots to fly the World War II transports and bombersas the pilot shortage intensifies. Listen to Carol Casper and Garrett Nievens, the EAA'sflight ops and parking gurus describe what to expect when you fly in to the AirVenture, aswell as a few stories of what has gone wrong and what has gone right as the hard-workingparking volunteers do their best to deal with some very wet parking areas. Listen in as AVwebcolumnist John Deakin discovers that he is sitting next to the folks who guided him threemiles along the only paved, dry route to the place where he could park his Bonanza. Hearhis disbelief as he learns that the people who amazed him with their ability to movedumpsters and walk wings are right beside him and hear him repeat what he said as he gotout of the airplane after reaching his parking spot: "If the ground weren't so wetI'd kiss your feet." This is EAA AirVenture '99 at its best, as the magic unfoldsaround the Coleman lantern and the pilots talk about airplanes, flying and why they keepcoming to Oshkosh. Listen to Tuesday OSHtalk (runningtime 51 minutes).

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