For VFR flight at night, the following instruments and equipment are required - airspeed indicator, altimeter, magnetic direction indicator, tachometer, oil pressure gauge for each engine using pressure system, temperature gauge for each liquid-cooled engine, oil temperature gauge for each air-cooled engine, manifold pressure gauge for each altitude engine, muel gauge indicating the quantity of fuel in each tank, landing gear position indicator (if the aircraft has a retractable landing gear), an approved aviation red or aviation white anticollision light system, approved flotation gear and at least one pyrotechnic signaling device (if the aircraft is operated for hire over water and beyond power-off gliding distance from shore), a safety belt for each occupant 2 years of age or older, a shoulder harness for each front seat, an emergency locator transmitter a (if required by Sec. 91.207), position lights, a red or white anticollision light and, if the aircraft is operated for hire, one electric landing light.
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