Aviation Life Rafts, Part One:Requirements and Expectations - AVweb

Most pilots don't fly over areas of water that they perceive to be dangerous. So their perceived need for a life raft and their perceived requirements for the capabilities of that raft are minimal. However, it is important to remember that even a body of water as seemingly benign as Chesapeake Bay or Puget Sound can present significant dangers to a downed pilot and passengers, especially in colder months. Pilots who are considering Caribbean overflights or jumping off from Narsarsuaq for Reykjavik or Santa Barbara for Hilo will have more critical requirements as they face more obvious dangers. Yet, even here, many don't appreciate the dangers they might face.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/ownership/aviation-life-rafts-part-onerequirements-and-expectations