ATP Orders 40 More Skyhawks - AVweb

ATP Flight School has signed an agreement with Textron Aviation to add 40 Cessna 172 Skyhawks to its fleet. The aircraft, which will be used for the school’s Airline Career Pilot Program, are slated for delivery in 2025. The purchase agreement follows an order for 55 172s placed by ATP in October 2022.

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Great articles. Would be much more informative if some cost parameters were included.

Here dude…you do the math!
“A brand new Cessna 172 Skyhawk costs $432,000 in 2023.”

One would hope they got a volume discount! Forty Skyhawks is probably almost a whole year’s production for Textron. The actual price on large deals like this are never made public because the manufacturer doesn’t want the details revealed. I used to work with large power companies that would purchase big gas turbine generators from GE and Siemens. The cost would vary depending on how many units were ordered, but they never sold at list price.

Could you deliver a C172 to me for $450K by August 1 ?

Was hoping we might get a "sources familiar with the transaction priced a single unit at … " since we’re talking to an aviation reporter for a major outlet.