AOPA Says FAA Prosecuting 'Volunteer' CFIs On Special Aircraft - AVweb

And just in case ya’ll don’t realize it, the FAA pavillion at Airventure will be … UNMANNED! They’re not coming! Only the controllers will be working. What BS. How do I get an FAA job ?

I have a DOT employee living right next door to me (not FAA). He has a Government car. That car just moves around in the driveway (because it’s in his way) instead of being out on the road inspecting big rigs and other commercial vehicles. I see the guy strolling around the yard all day long. In another case, I know an FAA guy who is actually laughing about how much time he has on his hands. Meanwhile, the rank and file non governbment employee taxpayer in this Nation has to work or else.

MY head is exploding, too !!