AOPA Launches Aircraft Guide - AVweb

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has released a new guide designed to assist potential aircraft buyers with choosing the right model to purchase. The online Aircraft Guide provides information such as a model overview, specifications, performance, limiting and recommended airspeeds and price point. AOPA says it plans to publish regular updates to include new aircraft.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So, each entry has highly incomplete information about performance and other things, and you can only filter by manufacturer and by “category” (not number of seats, not useful load, not cruise speed, not takeoff performance, nothing else).

Frankly, this is a pretty useless tool.

This “currently-manufactured aircraft only” website features photos of 1974 Piper Archers and Arrows. Timely.

If you need AOPA for their loan calculator and vendor lists, perhaps flying is not your best choice of hobbies to pursue.