With a recent focus on funds spent under President Obama's stimulus package, CNN Friday highlighted a $14.7 million runway project currently under way in Ouzinkie, Alaska, population 200. The town is located on a smaller island adjacent to Kodiak Island, south of mainland Alaska. According to CNN, the runway project was going to happen anyway, stimulus money or not. FAA funding had been slated for the project; the stimulus package just identified it as shovel-ready. But the project's attachment to the Obama administration's stimulus package may have added controversy. An opinion written by a contributor to the Alaska Standard detailed the project in a Dec. 31 article titled, "The Ouzinkie airstrip boondoggle." In it, author Mike Dingman writes, "this is just one example of Obama stimulus funds gone awry."
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/news/alaska-airports-stimulus-funding-attracts-attention