Air Traffic Control Publications - AVweb

I spend a lot of time talking about "the book." I use the phrase as a catchall for FAA publications. My favorite "book," by far, is the AIM -- The Aeronautical Information Manual. Some might consider that strange in that I'm not a pilot. I'm a controller. You might expect me to spend most of my time perusing the FAA's Order 7110.65 -- Air Traffic Control. After all, it is known as the "controller's bible."Be that as it may, the AIM is simply ... well ... simple. At least compared to other publications. Speaking of which, if you don't bookmark any other link in this column, bookmark this one: Air Traffic Publications. Not only can you find the AIM from that page but also the 7110.65, the 7110.10 (Flight Services), the Pilot/Controller Glossary and a host of other publications. This vast array of aeronautical knowledge helps explain why I like the AIM so much. It's easier to find what I'm looking for in the AIM. Let me give you an example.

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