Air France Retires A380 Fleet - AVweb

Air France announced on Wednesday that it is retiring its Airbus A380 fleet due to the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on anticipated activity levels at the airline. The company operates nine A380s, five of which are owned by Air France or on finance lease and four of which are on operating lease. Prior to the pandemic, the company was intending to retire its A380s by the end of 2022.

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It could also have something to do with the fact that there was never the market they forecast for such an ugly, ungainly, inefficient, hard-to-deal-with POS…

Wow Ron, tell us how you really feel about the hulking behemoth. :wink:

This definitely looks like the end of the jumbo jet era. It will be interesting to see what the middle eastern airlines do with their 380 fleets. Freight dogs?