Air Force To Use Augmented Reality Helmets For Training - AVweb

The Air Force is expected to roll out augmented reality helmets that will be able to pit fighter pilots against the latest and greatest threats from China and Russia next year. The helmets, developed as part of a $70 million contract by military technology company Red6, will have a visor on which battle scenarios featuring advanced adversaries will be projected. “Better, faster, cheaper,” Daniel Robinson, founder and chief executive of Red6, told The Washington Post. “This is the way we’ll train them in the future.”

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I GLOC’d in the sim once… nearly died.

I’d have to see it to believe it. Surviving to the merge and then entering a visual fight with an AR threat requires some very fast processing.

By any chance, is this photo a pilot flying a Rutan Long-EZE?

In fact, yes. The company developing the hardware is using a derivative airplane called a Berkut.

Instead of using obsolete aircraft, why not pit the pilots against one another?