$30 Thrift Store Find Actually A $223,000 Jet Engine Valve

A Washington State online reseller has become the darling of his community after he snagged the deal of the year, at least on paper. Zach, 35, (he wouldn't tell Newsweek his last name or hometown) paid $30 at a thrift store in central Washington for an engine air supply valve that aftermarket aircraft parts dealer Aeroval says had a "reference value" of $223,520 in 2011. According to Honeywell's Web site, the part belongs to a GE CF6-80 engine from an A330-300, perhaps as part of the anti-icing system.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/30-thrift-store-find-actually-a-223000-jet-engine-valve

Blockquote"It’s just really amazing that someone discarded hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of commercial aviation parts, even if they are non-functional."

That should really not be that surprising. Our shop discards millions of dollars of ‘non-functional parts’ every year because they are life-limited or cracked/corroded/worn/damaged beyond limits, and there are only so many people interested in scrap for desk/wall/office corner pieces.