100LL Drop-In Replacement 'Impossible' Says PAFI Candidate - AVweb

The company behind the only candidate left in the FAA-driven Piston Aviation Fuel Initiative process to create a high-octane unleaded replacement for 100LL says it's impossible, according to Aviation Week. “There is no such thing as a drop-in unleaded fuel to replace 100 [LL],” Dan Pourreau, business development manager with LyondellBasel Industries, told the publication “We thought initially we were going to be able to do that, but we discovered we can’t do that either.” Pourreau said paper and technical modifications will be required on some engines to allow them to run safely on unleaded fuel. The LyondellBasell fuel UL100E is being evaluated through the congressionally mandated PAFI process at the FAA's test facility in New Jersey.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/100ll-drop-in-replacement-impossible-says-pafi-candidate

I believe this is a blatantly false statement by those competing for the rights to produce the replacement for 100UL I base this on a recent story I read in “Aviation Consumer”
1 They ARE NOT the only candidate
2 It is NOT impossible

Here is a link to an article in “Aviation Consumer” https://www.aviationconsumer.com/aircraft-ownership/high-octane-unleaded-where-are-we/

It is the best description of the history along with the current state of the Avgas fiasco!!! It showcases the infighting, stonewalling, waste of taxpayer money etc between the FAA, the fuel developers, along with the National Air Transport Association (NATA)

It seems the fuel G100UL developed by GAMI and ready for distribution is “a drop in” replacement for 100LL that can be used in ALL engines across the board!!!

Not sure how we as aviation consumers can make a stand and “demand” the G100UL fuel produced by “General Aviation Modifications Inc. (GAMI)” be accepted by the FAA.

The industry Does Not need to end up with an inferior product replacing 100LL due to bureaucratic ineptness!!!

Craig Bixby


There is zero doubt 100LL will be banned soon. Idk why anyone would fight this losing battle. G100UL seems like a workable solution.