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December 2022


Yes, a protest is the course of these things. I am not a fan of co-axial main rotor systems and hope that Bell prevails at the end of all this.

1 reply
December 2022


Worked at Bell during the V280. The 280 was fully completed with all its flight testing before the DefiantX even had its first flight. Valor is much faster more versatile and proven battle technology from the V-22. DefiantX has NONE of this. Bell will be the better choice.

December 2022


Sikorsky, which is owned by Lockheed Martin, is protesting a contract being awarded to an aircraft that is being made by Bell AND Lockheed Martin? Well, okay then.

That’s poor phrasing but you know what I mean.

December 2022


More money in it for Lockheed if the DefiantX is chosen.

Follow the money. It is all about the money.

December 2022


Both aircraft look like a maintenance nightmare, and if the Bell V-280 sounds as loud as the Osprey, we will never “sneak up” on our enemies…

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ rekabr52


Why? Co-axial rotors may have vibration issues to deal with, but tiltrotors have their own issues as we have seen from their operational history.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ Richard_Smith


Looks like the US military still hasn’t learned from the past how awarding a single do-all aircraft is a poor choice, like the F-35. It seems like the army should have really requested two different aircraft, one for long-distance high-speed flight, and one for shorter-distance fast-speed flight. Less chance for a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none situation, and less chance that some vital flaw would affect a fleet-wide grounding (as has happened with, for example, the F-35).

1 reply
December 2022


To inject a bit of humor here … I think it was picked just because -if you squint- the Bell looks a bit like the Colonial Marines Dropship from the film “Aliens”.

December 2022


Next time we’re tempted to blame everything on “the gummint,” let’s remember that every time the gummint tries to buy something, someone else sues to stop them. Sad.

1 reply
December 2022 ▶ gmbfly98


As a helicopter and fixed wing pilot… I find the co-axial safer. If I’m going to get shot up, I want to make it to the ground safely.

December 2022 ▶ gmbfly98


I bet you weren’t a fan of the F-111 either, Gary? :slight_smile:

December 2022


Precisely, Don. Elsewhere on Avweb, the article on the Navy awarding a full production contract to Sikorsky for the CH-53K, LM has the F-35 and the F-16 plus other contracts yet LM chooses to challenge this one. Preservation of the military industrial production base is important, too. Boeing protested the award of the KC-45 tamker three times to Northrop/Airbus and what did the ‘gummint’ ultimately get, the KC-46 which is still (sic) plagued with problems. Meanwhile, the MRTT tanker is working just fine for other Governments. Step aside, Sikorsky !!

December 2022


All this is dumb. Why not just build a bunch of Blackhawks? Numbers mean more then the newest shiny thing. We could purchase 4 blackhawks for one of either one of these things. Proven aircraft. We didn’t win WWII because we had the best equipment for the most part. We won because we had the most.

1 reply
January 2023 ▶ jmajane


Why not? Because it’s not the newest shiny thing, and you don’t get promoted by purchasing more of a boring-but-proven vehicle during peacetime.