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August 2022


I wish X-Wing luck with regard to autonomous flight. They are going to need it. Getting the FAA to sign off on the concept of a fleet of unmanned aircraft flying cargo around the skies sounds like mission impossible to me. We can’t even get the friendly Feds to sign off on relatively mundane issues right now. Still reeling from the MAX/MCAS debacle, I don’t see anyone at the agency willing to sign off on something as cutting edge as this, especially considering the potential for disastrous consequences when (not if) something goes wrong. Drones flying packages around town is one thing, but real airplanes hauling freight, or people, long distances across the country is something else entirely.

August 2022


So one takeaway is that if you’re a pilot flying for X-Wing, you better be looking for another job, and now.

August 2022


As long as the software auto-destructs the aircraft if it heads toward any population center, TFR, public water source, government building, or any critical infrastructure, then yea.

1 reply
August 2022 ▶ Arthur_Foyt


What happens to all of the debris that results from the auto-destruct?

1 reply
August 2022


I’m not to concerned about any unmanned aircraft flying unless insurance companies express any willingness to insure such aircraft. Having insurance is a pt135 and DOT requirement. So far I have not heard of any.

August 2022


But then who’s going to train all those airline pilot wanabes?

August 2022 ▶ pilotmww


It falls before reaching any population center, TFR, public water source, government building, or any critical infrastructure by said process and thus is “safer” than the alternative for an errant flight.

August 2022


These guys are as bad as the Green idiots. No insurance company will allow it! You are totally delusional.

August 2022


Likely we’re close to training the last generation of pilots. If we can have AI driven cars on our highways it’s a no-brainer that we’ll soon see AI piloted aircraft in the NAS. Some my trucker friends are already thinking of their NEXT careers… For certain sure that with the advent of AI flown fighters AI flown freight is inevitable… and soon.

August 2022


Obviously, you will need 20/20 vision, perfect eye/hand co-ordination, be able to run 3,000 metres in 10 minutes and be able to march in perfect step. Plus be happy to have horrible haircuts.
After that, being able to find the on switch, and be able to push it without an expression of alarm on your face, will guarantee entry.

2 replies
August 2022


What would Chuck Yeager have said about flying this contraption? Expletive deleted, for sure!

August 2022 ▶ johnbpatson


Sorry but the Air Force doesn’t learn to march in step, just shuffle along with hands in their pockets!

August 2022


Hoo Boy! I get what the Aptima consultants are saying, but you gotta hope it doesn’t turn out like this…


August 2022


Be prepared. I assume that the man in all black is the chaplain?

August 2022


What will these be used for? It seems to me such a vehicle will be particularly vulnerable to ground fire from just about any firearm other than shotguns.

August 2022


Like helicopters when they first came out, they want to waste enlisted on them if they crash. Enlisted are disposable and cost less when dead. Warrants are the next to go. Army uses them as a somewhere in between.

August 2022


I can’t see people lining up to want to fly these things. Equipment: headset, check; night vision goggles, check; bullet proof vest, check; kevlar jockstrap, check. OH SH*T!!! A Mig 29 is rolling in on me!!!

August 2022


Your tax dollars -Completely wasted. These morons funded something that will never help the military or help the citizens. Quit wasting the taxpayers money.

1 reply
August 2022


… and people were poo-pooing the A-10 as a ‘vulnerable’ platform and supporting their retirement. Give me a break !!

From many years involved w/ flight test at Edwards, I learned that the military needs to have a plethora of ‘toys’ available at their disposal for use is all contingencies. As much as I dislike these things, they probably do have a use … somewhere? I don’t know where that is but … somewhere. :wink:

2 replies
August 2022


Is the article’s second paragraph indicative of the concerns about current pilot skills, and why they seem to frequently not be able to react to an actually flying event that requires a reaction with manual flying skills.

August 2022


I hope they are not going to fly those over populated areas.

August 2022 ▶ lstencel


You are right Larry. I’m sure that back when the army first got interested in the Wright flyers there was a huge crowd of naysayers that thought it was a stupid waste of money. After all, those idiot flying machines would never amount to anything useful! It’s likely that the funky looking things we see today will evolve into a much more capable machine, maybe with a little DARPA funding. And the discussion of whether a skilled stick and rudder pilot would be the best fit for flying highly automated eVTOLs reminds me of the similar issue the military had with remote drone pilots when they first came out. They discovered that young non-pilot guys who were good at video games were better suited at controlling the drones than were fighter jocks. Different set of skills.

August 2022


Knowing the government they will invent a use for them to justify their expense. These don’t fill any current need but they check the political boxes such as Trendy, Environmentally Friendly, No Aviation Skills Required, etc.

August 2022 ▶ Timothy_Iacobacci


Never help the military? I cannot understand why you would think something that could likely fly to a given place, with or without a pilot, and pick up someone needing to get out of where he was would never by of use to the military.

August 2022 ▶ johnbpatson


Plus, you have to feed the dog.

August 2022 ▶ lstencel


At their simplest, they’re basically a flying jeep. Leave it to the soldiers to find uses that were never in the design specs.

1 reply
August 2022 ▶ rpstrong


Some good, some hilarious, most a waste of money! Hooah