Webinar: L-3 Lynx, ATAS And The Future Of ADS-B

L-3 Aviation Products will hold a Webinar, "L-3 Lynx, ATAS and the Future of ADS-B," on Wednesday, February 1 at 4:00 PM EST. Discover the features and future enhancements coming to the transponder-sized Lynx NGT-9000. Lynx is much more than a transponder with its touchscreen display, built-in WAAS GPS, ATAS Traffic Alerting, Terrain and much more. Participants will receive a certificate for an ATAS Traffic Alerting System enablement ($667 value) for FREE.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/press-releases/webinar-l-3-lynx-atas-and-the-future-of-ads-b

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