WAI Hosts Successful 2023 Conference - AVweb

Women in Aviation International (WAI) hosted more than 4,500 people at its 34th Annual Women in Aviation International Conference last week. The conference, which took place Feb. 23-25 in Long Beach, California, featured networking and education sessions, keynote speakers, professional development seminars and workshops. Nearly 200 companies and organizations were represented in the event’s exhibit hall this year, up from 176 in 2022.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/air-shows-events/women-in-aviation/wai-hosts-successful-2023-conference

Is this an advertorial? The content is so far from the reality of the “women conference” that hosts more men than women per the photos published on social media.

The Women in Aviation movement started with a conference in Prescott, Arizona in 1990 with 150 attendees. Today, the movement has gained popularity with over 4,500 attendees at the Long Beach, CA conference, indicating significant progress. The WIA inspires and encourages women in aviation. Congratulations WIA!