WAI Announces 2023 International Pioneer Hall of Fame Inductees - AVweb

Women in Aviation International (WAI) has announced its selection for the 2023 inductees to its International Pioneer Hall of Fame. Those selected include pioneering Australian aviator Nancy Bird, educators Martha and John King and U-2 pilot Col. Merryl Tengesdal USAF (Ret.). The 2023 induction ceremony will take place on Feb. 25 during the 34th annual Women in Aviation International Conference in Long Beach, California.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/air-shows-events/women-in-aviation/wai-announces-2023-international-pioneer-hall-of-fame-inductees

Wow! Col. Merryl Tengesdal is in good company.

Kate O’Connor, why is there such low enthusiasm for “Women in Aviation” within this blog?