Thanks for that. Interesting - another “relatively new factory rebuild” and no compelling reason why the engine failed. The oddity about my engine is that, about six months after it was fitted, it developed a hot start problem. I’d pull up to refuel, go to do a hot start, the engine would cough but then no amount of trying would get it to fire until it had cooled for about 30 mins then it would start normally. The usual A&P response was “it must be your technique” until they got in and tried for themselves. We went through everything - injectors, electric pump, fuel selector, resealed all joints in fuel lines - to no avail. The FCU failure was something no-one had ever seen before where the mixture control linkage had disconnected inside the FCU. That was repaired but the hot start problem did not go away. A year later the FCU failed again - same problem. The second FCU repair shop noted that the return spring seemed weak and replaced it. I’ve been flying it for six months now and it now hot starts every time. One thing that I learned was that a “factory overhaul” does not mean that the engine accessories have been overhauled by the manufacturer. When I emailed Precision about the FCU they told me that they had not seen that FCU since it left the factory in 1989. I tell the story in case anyone else has similar issues with hot starts - beware that there may be an underlying issue with the FCU!