Unleaded Fuel Process Needs A Reboot

I knew when I saw the EAGLE initiative it would be just like all the others that had came before it just another way to pacify the public ending in nothing happening.
Now that The federal government has create a mandate to continue leaded fuel, there may be only one way out of this mess and that would be to create a second fueling option at all airports to give the consumer an unleaded choice. To do this, it may require the government to help set it up, just like they are setting up electric charging stations. I would love to have this choice for my Skyhawk because it would cut my maintenance cost by A considerable amount.
I am including an excerpt about the Rotex 912 engine Which talks about maintenance when using leaded fuel.
The 912 may be operated using leaded fuel, but this is not recommended as lead sludge tends to accumulate in the oil tank and reduction gearbox. Also, avgas is incompatible with the recommended synthetic oil which cannot hold lead in suspension; consequently, the use of leaded fuel mandates additional maintenance.
According to the Rotax 912 maintenance manual, Oil changes should be done at 100hrs and plugs changed at 200hrs when using unleaded fuel.
If you use avgas, then it is recommended that you change the oil at 50hrs and plugs at 100hrs.

This is an excerpt from Wikipedia

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