Ukraine has no air cover of any sort. Ukraine has now suffered 600,000+ dead soldiers, among them pilots with several of the original old F-16’s lost. Ukraine has lost the war, US has lost virtually all its credibility, violating multiple peace treaties the US had signed and agreed to, and Russia now has a superior army, superior IRS, superior fire power, and has defeated all US/NATO technology. These F-16’s cannot be based in Ukraine. They can only be based outside of Ukraine making every potential sortie a legal case for Russian attack on those NATO bases these 40 year old, worn out, outdated airplanes are launched from. Any F-16 sortie is immediately known by Russia and ends up being aerial cannon fodder. The only use for these airplanes is launching nuclear weapons. The only country to ever nuke anther country is the US. The only country threatening to use a nuke is the US. F-35’s only have 30% daily operational readiness at $300 millions a copy. We are a global Mike Tyson, flabby, old, not in shape, living in an 80 year old WWII past believing we are the only indispensable superpower picking fights with anyone…trying to demonstrate global hegemony. And I am sick and tired of funding global carnage led by morally, ethically, politically, bankrupt politicians from essentially a uniparty that lies to all of us via an equally complicit press, that it’s our global way or the highway of so-called diplomacy. This aviation news that Ukraine can shorten training on old 4th gen F-16’s is a clear demonstration we don’t care about Ukraine, it’s pilots, while opening the door to global nuclear war, which will annihilate us all. For what? Our military is tapped out, our ability to produce has been gone a long time . We are lying to our young people we have superior military capability. Plus, we are financially bankrupt with no way to support logistics required for all these wars, let alone fix our equally worn out infrastructure. What could possibly go wrong in sending more old US airplanes into another battle fought by inexperienced people against a demonstrated superior military, led by corrupt, NAZI leadership, that is currently in power via martial law, paid for by you and me… with no opportunity for discussion or debate? That’s democracy? NO! That’s BRAVO SIERRA at best!