Our weekly immersion into SocialFlightuncovered the month's big Kahuna, Sun 'n Fun, as well local activities including local FlyDays, an EAA chapter breakfast and a fish-fry and fly-in. We're reporting this from under clear skies and great weather as the 40th annual Sun 'n Fun fly-in, airshow, convention and celebration is going on in Lakeland, Fla. What has widely been referred to as aviation's cabin fever cure will continue through April 6 with the Blue Angels and other high-profile airshow acts on stage. At the other end of the country, Friday, April 4 is the date for FlyDays, a gathering of those with an aviation passion at San Diego's Gillespie Field Cafe from 4-8 p.m. for "good food, great people and World War II and antique airplanes."
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/air-shows-events/the-weekender-sun-n-fun-and-more