The Innovator’s Dilemma Comes For The Air Force

AI is anything but new. An autopilot is one form of it. With every claim of how AI will eliminate the role of a thinking human, I am reminded of autonomous Teslas crashing into things that were not included in the programmers expectation. I am also reminded of this exchange between reporters and the late, great General George Patton: Reporters: “General, We’re told of “wonder weapons” the Germans were working on: Long-range rockets, push-button bombing. . .weapons that don’t need soldiers.”
Patton: “Wonder weapon? My God, I don’t see the wonder in them. Killing without heroics. Nothing is glorified, nothing is reaffirmed. No heroes, no cowards, no troops. No generals. Only those that are left alive and those that are left. . .dead.”

Take humans out of warfare and you remove the chance for humanity, and peace.