The Clermont Group Acquires Eviation - AVweb

The Clermont Group announced that it completed its acquisition of Israel-based electric aircraft company Eviation Aircraft, developer of the all-electric, nine-passenger Alice commuter aircraft, on Thursday. As previously reported by AVweb, Eviation displayed the first “fully operational” Alice at the Paris Air Show in Le Bourget, France, last June, where company also announced U.S. airline Cape Air as its first commercial customer. The Clermont Group, which is based in Singapore, owns electric motor manufacturer magniX, the producer of the 375-horsepower magni250 motor selected for use on the Alice last April.

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Wingtip thrusters?
Better plan on a spin-testing regimen.
At least the drag struts will be in tension.

Yeah … and single engine heading control with a motor SO far off centerline with a V-tail configuration will work out really well when one of 'em poops out, too, Yars. Well, it’ll probably just keep going around in circles until it runs out of electrons. The rescue drones can be waiting for it.

I’m wondering why they’re calling it Alice. It should be named “Bubba.”

After watching some of the videos about it I’m a lot less skeptical about it. It’s meant to climb well on just the one motor on the back, and the crosswind control using differential thrust seems like it would work in theory. However it is described as having a stall speed “under 100 knots,” which they excused by saying their charter customers were actually fine with a high stall speed. Maybe that’s acceptable for enough applications to be worth it, I don’t know. Not sure how it will manage an approach that needs a bit of maneuvering, especially with any ice on the wings nor gusty conditions. Seems like it will be quite a handful.