Ironically refreshing to see a proven/established OEM admit that they’re not going to deliver what they’d hoped to and be upfront and clear. Electrically based powerplants are clearly the future for light GA and so we’ll just have to wait for that miracle energy source breakthrough…in the meantime, investors with interests in other wholly electrically based airborne vehicles will no doubt be asking some awkward questions in the next few weeks and months. Canary in the coalmine?
What like Pipistrel and Eviation, you mean?
All the usual naysaying, head-in-the-sand luddites emerging in the comments section as usual on this subject, I see.
Obviously, with battery technology where it is currently, battery-powered aircraft are no match for long-haul aircraft but they are already a serious contender for short-haul operations… which is half the air-miles currently done in the USA.
“The proliferation of aircraft with ‘new’ batteries would lead to unrealistic mission profiles that would quickly degrade after a few weeks of operation, making the all-electric passenger aircraft a mere ‘Green Transition flagship’ rather than a real player in the decarbonization of aviation.”
Talk about an eBuzzkill!
Guess it is the fast discharge from full to empty which Tecnam found caused the problems. Electric cars do not seem to have it – there are 10 year old models, used every day, which still have over 90% of their capacity. But then they are not run full power through take off and climb.
Looks like hybrid will get there first – but that requires lots of calculations. Toyota Prius, while good for a petrol (gas) car consumption wise, got thumped by diesels…
Here is a link to Transport Up, a page listing many, but probably not all, eMobility offerings.
Could be of some use to speculators.
I have to wonder if the factors leading to the decision include market circumstances - such as shrinkage of the pool of potential buyers.
According to the “Last Generation” doctrine, everyone financially capable of getting behind the security gate of any airport is to blame for the planets untimely (yet imminent) implosion. The “Rich” are the new target, the manner of propulsion in use will not absolve the defendant from getting punished. IOW, ypur plane will be painted and abused, regardless of the size of its battery…
This freakshow will not end until morale improves, or we are back to traveling by Donkey. Another bunch of “naysaying luddites” are the folks at BMW (Baltimore Motor Works, right?) who are seemingly ready to jump off the E-Hype wagon or at least indicate that a 2030 -2040 end of fossil fuel burning vehicles may be a tiny-itzy-bit utopical. Stay tuned.
I’m shocked…
Interesting comments about range but, in the USA, there is an FAA requirement for 30 minutes endurance at landing. The Pipistrel electric, which is touted as a training platform, claims an hour of endurance on a charge. That leaves thirty minutes for training and that is not sufficient endurance for credible training.
I’m all for electrics when there is battery capacity, and I understand the need for development of the aircraft before the fuel source is available, but calling folks who don’t agree with the hype luddites just marks you as an… Well, you know who/what you are.
“Dreamware” project. You just coined a new word, Jim.
Great point, Jim. Just look at the current dilemma of the FAA saying they’re gonna approve use of 91UL. Great. BUT … where’s the infrastructure to support 91UL and 100LL? OR – for that matter – to support leaded and unleaded fuel. It AIN’T there! Dream all ya want … it AIN’T there.
And that’s why Al Gore, John Kerry and all the other ‘rich’ folks fly their gas guzzling, planet polluting bizjets to the usual tree hugger conferences telling the luddites that THEY must switch to electric cars, et al.
If you think Tecnam is pie in the sky, re-read Based on what I read about the founder of this concept, a dreamer and his investment money will soon be separated.
Tecnam has spoken, the eAircraft world listens!
This is capitulation of Tecam on electric aircraft is even more startling when you realize how embedded the Chinese government is with Italian aerospace companies.
According to Pipistrel’s brochure (downloadable from their website), the maximum endurance is fifty minutes PLUS VFR reserve.
Extremis malis, extrema remedia.
Battery pack density would need to be about 1500wh/kg in order to start being a serious contender on very short routes (sub 30 min). Current packs are about 250wh/kg, with Amprius claiming 450 wh/kg cells (not packs).
So most likely 20+ years to go, and much longer for long haul. Hopefully SAF or hydrogen solves those problems in the mean time.