Tecnam 'Postpones' All-Electric P-Volt Development Program - AVweb

Competition is good. This competition specifically between SpaceX and NASA has been good from an engineering, purely technical standpoint as well as tongue in cheek humor. Now we have RUD/Rapid Unplanned Disassembly, DMT/Dare Mighty Things, OCISLY/Of Course I Still Love You, JRtI/Just Read the Instructions, aSoG/A Shortfall of Gravitas, SURF/straighten up and fly right, Merlins/F-1’s, and the long forgotten TLI/trans lunar injection.

Of course I still love you. The rapid unplanned disassembly resulted from dare mighty things. I straightened up and fly right largely because I just read the instructions. I may have a shortfall of gravitas but still enjoy Merlin and F-1 during the trans lunar injection. Look up…you know where I am. Yeah, even engineers can be “cute”.

Great article, nice diversion from the usual “controversies of the day”, and a reminder both the private sector of the USA and the American government are capable of doing great things AND having a sense of humor while pushing the boundaries of technology.