Have been - haven’t rushed to any lawyers.
And - there’s a large difference in hating a person and hating what they do. Perhaps you could, please, paint with a less broad brush.
I didn’t gather that it was a lack of technical competence, but rather an unprofessional attitude and behavior. That would not lead a personal department to immediately discount a person. Their bad behavior might be easily modified with some good mentoring (he was only 22). And a series of FAA recognized examiners had passed him on multiple check rides. How could one predict that he would make such an egregious error?
But to blame that bad behavior on the flight school would seem to open the possibility of the instructor’s family suing them - they allowed him in the right seat after all!
Sometimes bad decisions are just that. In this case the consequences were horrific. For both people in that airplane. And both families. What good does it do to extract the “maximum compensation” from some company? Will it bring either young person back to life? It might offer a little salve to the family - but otherwise it truly is all about the greed of a bad class of lawyers.
(PS. One of my good friends was a lawyer. He felt the same way about these guys.)