Staff Shortages Prompt New York Ground Stop - AVweb

Quick, who was the Secretary of Transportation during the Trump administration? That’s right, Mrs Mitch McConnell. She and Mitch are millionaires, I wonder when was the last time she flew on a commercial airline? Of course her family shipping company did remarkably well while she was Secretary of Transportation, doing over 80 percent of its business with China. I guess it helps that she was born there. It’s a lot easier and faster to upgrade to captain on a jet than it is to checkout as a center controller. I don’t remember her addressing this issue, the upcoming pilot shortage or even the 5G fiasco while she was in charge. Of course she did give the airlines 50 billion dollars to make sure opinionated, know it all pilots, were paid even when they weren’t flying for months at a time, so I guess she
can’t be all bad.