A dispute between two Spirit Airlines employees over sitting on the baggage belt left one in the hospital and one in jail on Sunday night. Local Cleveland news says police have confirmed that Rhett Rossos, 25, of Westlake, Ohio, was stabbed by his co-worker, Vonda Ardaver, 39, of East Cleveland, Ohio, after seeking respite from his usual standing duties behind the check-in counter. Ardaver told Rossos that he wasn't permitted to sit on the baggage belt and took pictures of him seated. When Ardaver went to her computer to send them to management, according to the police report, Rossos walked up behind Ardaver to see what she was writing. Ardaver then stabbed Rossos in the stomach with a pair of scissors, says Cleveland 19 News. Rossos also received lacerations to his hand while grappling with Ardaver for the shears.
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