Short Final: Well Under The Radar

From IFR Magazine reader Chris Wells:

I just obtained my private certificate and was on the ground at Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (KVPS) in Florida. I called Ground Control and requested flight following back to Pensacola. I forgot to request an en-route altitude, so the controller asked, “What altitude do you want?”

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Good stuff. Always remember we controllers (retired) are people too, and most actually do have a sense of humor!! :rofl::rofl:

I had the opposite experience once over Phoenix. ATC was keeping me at 13,500 as I passed north of the Bravo airspace on my way to Buckeye. I kept asking for a descent, and they finally asked how far down I wanted to get by Buckeye, and I said, “All the way down. I’m LANDING at Buckeye.”

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