Officials at Lexingtons Blue Grass Airport have voted to allow a second FBO on the field. Air 51 LLC is expected to be up and running this summer in a $2 million facility that will include a 12,000-square-foot maintenance and parking hangar, fuel facility and ramp space. Currently TAC Air is the only GA service facility on the airport. The new FBO will occupy about two acres in the southeast area of the airport. Air 51 owners told the Lexington Herald-Leader they hope to capitalize on very light jet business and expect plenty of traffic when the World Equestrian Games are held in Lexington in 2010. The new company is leasing the land for about $2,000 a month and will pay the airport commission seven cents a gallon for fuel it sells, as well as 10 percent of food and beverage sales, 0.5 percent on aircraft sales and 2 percent of other revenue.
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