Russia To Start Making Bootleg Boeing, Airbus Parts - AVweb

Certainly have to know what you are doing and care.

An EE told a story that when a group was visiting China decades ago one person got him aside and sought advice on a particular oscilloscope they were having problems with. “Of all the American ones you could have copied that is the worst design.”

And remember Lucky Goldstar out of South Korea, its descendant is LG appliance company - Koreans learned.

And further back, Japan Junk - early post-war production was not great, but they are good learners (with help from Americans on quality and efficiency).

Aviation story: customers of a certain well-known airplane company complained about reliability of the tiny incandescent light bulbs of the 60s. Investigation showed that packages marked Made in USA were from a town in Japan, which had the name Usa from far earlier.

(Light bulbs were a problem anyway. For aviation they were supposed to be burned in then selected to be within