Report Says North Korean Fighter Pilots Sent To Russia

South Korean media is reporting that North Korean frontline fighter pilots are among the thousands of troops sent to Russia, possibly to join the war in Ukraine. Korea has some of the same old Soviet-era aircraft that Russia is using against Ukraine and their pilots are as good as the Russian fighter jocks according to those sources as reported by The infusion of fresh pilots will help ease a chronic shortage of fighter pilots in the Russian Air Force but there's a potential quid pro quo that has the West even more concerned than the effect on the war in Ukraine.

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So…how many more countries need to join in before it’s actually called a world war?

The pilot looks like he’s ready to take a morning ride on my '69 CB450 Honda.

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Uncle Kim and his boys are going to get their asses handed to them.

I’m beginning to think one phone call is not going to end this war.

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This is an ugly development. It now becomes an active theatre and no longer a war of attrition. Perceived western dalliance only encourages Putin to continue with aggression in Ukraine. A robust western response would not be out of place. Is time running out?

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I’m getting tired of hearing our own military taking casualties in foreign wars. It’s time for the European countries to take action themselves since it is those countries who are directly affected by this.

NATO needs to lead on this starting yesterday. Most of the European countries bordering Russia spend a significant percent of their GDP on defence as they remember how aggressive the Russian bear can be and the rest of the Nato alliance needs to bulwark this understanding and commitment. As foreign powers are now openly supporting Putin’s aggression it’s time to bring Ukraine into the Nato alliance and get on the job cleaning up this mess.

A fine mess you’ve gotten us into, Ollie!

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So it seems that Ukraine is about to achieve a brilliant victory over Russia and the US oligarchs will be able to properly collect the profits from the reconstruction of the country. The military-industrial complex has already received its money.

Ukraine has victorious F16 fighters and plenty of pilots and Russia, according to the news, has “old Soviet-era aircraft” and a “chronic shortage of fighter pilots”.

According to intelligence experts, the Russian economy collapsed two years ago and its leadership has been sent to either a mental hospital or a nursing home if not then shot as traitors. “We have the winning hand”. We sell the weapons, the Europeans give their wealth and the Ukrainians give their men.
E: Ukrainr → Russia

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