There’s always at least one person out these that just doesn’t get it. Is the FAA perfect? Nope! But neither is Boeing, or any other aviation organization. There’s always going to be ladder climbers and those just collecting a paycheck. I’m sure that dreamflight767 is the perfect example of how the world should run. We should all bow to him!
My husband is an FAA Inspector and investigates these complaints. He’s worked hard for 20+ years in the FAA and is darn near giddy when he gets a new case to investigate. I’ve witnessed him go to the end of the earth to find evidence to substantiate a reporter’s claims. Sometimes there is merit to the complaint and sometimes there is not, much like anything else in life. Sometimes a complainant will throw anything against the wall to see what will stick. Others use the FAA to rattle companies during contract negotiations.
If you’re looking for perfection, it’s not this process, but it’s not bad either. Think what you want about the FAA, but as a longtime corporate pilot, I’ve met many hardworking, dedicated and passionate men and women in the FAA. So there!