I second bucc5062’s remarks about the FAA. Lots of good, responsible, and dedicated people at the bottom of the food chain, but all we hear about comes from and is vetted by the suits at the top. With a tip o’ the hat to AVWeb’s fine reporting, I also gotta take exception to the headline and subhead of this article, because these items, along with dreamflight767’s disparaging comments, cast ALL of the FAA’s around-45000 employees in a bad light. Both headline and subhead use the words “ignore” and “dismiss,” which primes the reader for more FAA smear-food and suggests that is all the FAA does with whistleblower complaints - ignore and dismiss them - and ultimately reinforces the perception of the FAA as our common enemy. Granted, headlines have to be attention-getting, and the AvWeb staff has done their job well in that regard. But the second paragraph deflates the smear balloon when the quoted Seattle Times article notes the complaints were dismissed “on preliminary review.” So, this means the FAA did in fact review the complaints, and did not “ignore” or “dismiss” them.
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