Two responses so far that both point to the industry as the “problem” and both indicating that, somehow, big paychecks will solve the problem. Reality check time folks. Sure, compared to a 30 Captain, all starting pay scales are abysmal, but that’s how it is everywhere. I flew for 23 years in the Military and the “starting pay” there was very low, still is to a point. I then went on to Pan Am and TWA as part of the Ransome Airlines division, again very low, especially if you consider the fact that I was a highly experienced 4 engine wide-body transport pilot with 8600 hours flying all over the globe. Finally got on with Atlas at what was whined about as low pay by some but I upgraded to Captain in 8 months, The pay there never reached the levels of the big three even though I was flying 747s with far more revenue on board that any of them ever carried. Still, I was able to nicely provide for my family and set up for my retirement via a 401K. Many there whined about no “traditional” retirement plan like the big three but then we never lost a cent when they all went through the bankruptcy process.
My point is that businesses are “in business” to make a profit and while almost every top executive at these companies is way over compensated, the company won’t survive paying the entire work force at those same levels. More to the point, why are pilots so special that they have to get Scrooge McDuck level pay while the baggage handlers, etc, mostly get very low wages? While the aircraft can’t go anywhere without the pilot, the is no value in moving it without the PAYING passengers, their baggage, and available freight on board. Think about that when you whine about your pay.