Recent FAA Final Rule Enables BasicMed Holders New Privilege - AVweb

I am ok with 750 hours if it is a well designed program with lots of training and even a solo requirement to do a number of cross country flights with conditions like at night, in the mountains high altitude, actual short fields, appropriate instruments flights in actual weather in an aircraft like a 182 or cirrus. etc. to get actual experience.

I took training from experienced instructors for my instrument refresher ( I had not flown for 8 years, family, business etc) that had never been outside of 60 miles from home. we went on a night cross country and he was incredibly scared. even though he had an ATP he was not qualified to go anywhere as he had not experienced any real. I had done a lot of that type of cross country flying and I knew far more about dealing with actual weather. the prospect of light rime being possible scared him silly.