Recent FAA Final Rule Enables BasicMed Holders New Privilege - AVweb

Females have been out flying and dying for most of the powered flight era. One very early one met several of the PC criteria - female, black African blood, native American blood, and from Texas. (Media like to slice and dice, probably rolled through 40-umpty states as ‘first female pilot in’. (I forget how many states the US had then, aside from HI some of the present states came from slicing up such as the Oklahoma Territories and the Dakota Territories). By the time HI was accepted it probably already had many female pilots, even before Mimi Johnson’s time.)

Yes, she was discriminated against - jerk Curtis blocked throttle travel to prevent her from being able to lift off despite charging her for flight training, later wised up and hired her. (She diagnosed the problem - found the block of wood, threw it aside, and proceeded to take off, to his horror - apparently believed she would crash despite his training. Not a clear thinker.)

Amusing tidbit about the Dakotas. Wikipedia says “President Benjamin Harrison shuffled the statehood papers before signing them so that no one could tell which became a state first; consequently, the two states are officially numbered in alphabetical order.” Take that! media babblers. :-o)