Everyone has been moaning that the Colgan ‘rule’ sets too high a bar for Part 121 wannabees. Some have moaned about the age 65 rule taking otherwise qualified and willing pilots out of the cockpit with no exceptions. We USED to have commercial rated pilots in the R seat and did OK with it all. So what’s the beef? Let 'em try it conditionally with a review after a set amount of time.
Myself, I have heartburn with the ‘sly’ way Republic is approaching the FAA … “Let us train qualified aspirants from under represented groups.” That doesn’t sit well with me. The MOST qualified and working backward would be fair to all. So now if you’re one of a myriad of people from the you-know-what groups (who THEY pick) want to fly, Republic will make it happen so their equal opportunity numbers look better. That’s baloney. I think I’ll decide to call myself a female black tranny and get some free flight training. More woke BS.