Recent FAA Final Rule Enables BasicMed Holders New Privilege - AVweb

Really depends on the individual and their training.

Some pilots are marginal, shouldn’t be flying pax. People from the old Avsig forum remember reports that a nice guy was not suitable to fly with again.

I’ve told my story of watching newer pilots on check rides in the Herc, great difference.

As for reverse racism, Republic is pandering as that gets points with gummint these days.

I’ve told the story of Marg Fane flying the BC coast in the 1950s.

The questions as to demographics are:

  • attractiveness of the career (airline flying if questionable for many women)
  • awareness of the career (real awareness, people are addressing that)
  • false claims of discrimination are politically correct, seen in engineering as well (one young lady had to speak out and say she had done fine, I also point out that people help: old males for example encourage young women, but some religions advocate against women in engineering)
  • getting early experience seems to be a limitation, Republic’s scheme may help that

As for psychographics, women tend to think carefully about a career, perhaps investigate more. Alaska Airlines is losing pilots because of unhappiness of pilots with management’s avoidance of learning from the past and planning ahead - for years now. (Recall its Horizon subsidiary had to contract some flying out because it failed to hire enough pilots.)