…interesting that there hasn’t been a single mention of Lufthansa’s Ab Initio program in this thread. Students literally began the selection process in high school, then came to AZ and did their initial instruction in F-33 Bonanzas and Barons, spin training in T-34s then back to Bremen for turbine work in Cheyennes, and finally into a 737 sim. Given their rather good safety record, I’d say it’s worked out. Oh, and you had to pay back every penny, out of your salary, that they spent to train you. The program has moved, primarily, to the EU; interestingly, the EASA now grants what is referred to as a “frozen” ATPL (Air Transport Pilot license) which is basically a Commercial/Instrument ticket, and a full ATP at 1500 hours, 500 of which are logged in two person cockpits. Lastly, can we move beyond the “woke” this and “tranny” that? I really couldn’t care less if the cockpit is filled with Barbra Streisand impersonating drag queens who are married to aardvarks if said crew can shoot an approach to minimums at night and get me home.