Recent FAA Final Rule Enables BasicMed Holders New Privilege - AVweb

Here’s the deal, Dave. All men (gender neutral) ARE created equal … the moment they pop out of the womb. After that, it’s up to their environment – for childhood – and after that, it’s up to them. You want a good life … work for it. You wanna sit on your ass and complain about the unfairness of life and expect Uncle Government (or the ‘system’) to make up for your inadequacies, sorry … I ain’t buying it. I grew up in the Polish ghetto of Chicago and pulled myself right out of by sheer force of willpower. So I have neither empathy OR sympathy for those who want everything for free. THAT is the basis of my previous comment AND personal position. That is the basis for my, “despicable, ignorant statement.”

Just the other day, I read where most of the pilot deviations of a certain airline were of females spoon fed their positions for the purpose of equality numbers. That’s just not right.